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HIV/AIDS: Together we shall overcome!

On the 27th April 2011, the Italian NGO INTERSOS, in collaboration with the local partner WOFAK (Women fighting AIDS in Kenya), celebrated the Grand Opening of the Rescue Center in Kayole, built with the support of the Italian Cooperation.

Considering that more than 1,4 million adults are living with HIV/AIDS, 3 out of 5 HIV- infected Kenyans are female, 4 out of 5 HIV–infected people do not know their status and 7 out of 10 infected adults are rural residents, INTERSOS’ project has succeeded in giving effective and efficient support to the communities of Kayole and Soweto as well as establishing solid relationships with all the actors involved in the project.

The initiative focused on strengthening the capacity building of WOFAK in order to ensure the sustainability of the project and to empower the role of women within the community. Many activities were carried out, such as the implementation of awareness-raising campaigns on HIV/AIDS, assistance to women affected by the disease, sex education, feeding programmes for school children, peer education and recreational activities such as theatre, music and dance classes. Every day the centre guarantees a meal to more than 150 children and supports, with its counseling activities, the members of the community.

The center is much more than a simple building; it represents hope for the Kayole and Soweto communities, especially for those women and children who are fighting for their futures despite their illness.

 Children's Exibition for the Gran Opening Ceremony of Kayole Rescue Center


THROUGH 2011 TO 2013...

The reduction in the Italian Co-operation’s funding over the coming three-year period (2011-2013) does not imply that Italy is disengaging from the area of development cooperation. On the contrary, it has chosen a stronger approach based on meeting the qualitative commitments undertaken together with other donors, partner countries and international organisations.

A working group under the Directorate General for Development Co-operation (DGDC) established, in 2009, the Italian aid effectiveness plan, as other donors have done. In the framework of this plan, the existing sectoral guidelines will be updated, and the system for evaluating and monitoring programmes and activities re-organized and strengthened.
In order to increase the effectiveness of development cooperation activities, several priority sectors, which draw upon the Italian Cooperation's expertise and experience, have been identified. The Italian Cooperation has also reduced the numebr of priority countries and will focuse its resources on specific geographical areas in order to maximize the impact of funding.
In order to plan the Italian Development Cooperation Programme for Kenya 2011-2013 in the context of the new priorities, Mr. Baticci from DGDC also had consultations with the civil society organizations. 

On the base of its long experience and in a donor coordination perspective, the Italian Cooperation in Kenya focuses on few priority sectors, such as Rural and Urban Development, and Water and Irrigation, which includes the related aspect of environmental sustainability. Other important sectors in which Italian NGOs work are Health and Education. Gender issues and child protection are transversal themes to which attention is given in all interventions.

The Italian Cooperation, together with the civil society, decentralized cooperation as well as the private sector, and in coordination with the Donor Community, is working to create synergies in order to achieve the Kenya Vision 2030.

Beneficiaries of an Italian funded initiative in Northern Kenya